Tuesday, March 25, 2014

How Young Adults Can Afford the Affordable Care Act

The most challenging part of our 14th Annual Education Conference on Saturday, April 12 is choosing which of the six workshops to attend in the afternoon. With the theme Young Adults and Mental Illness: Voice for Hope, each of the workshops will address a different issue affecting young adults, known as the Millennial Generation.

Last week, we introduced Treatment in the Millennial Age, and today we are highlighting a workshop that addresses the healthcare needs of Millennials:

How Young Adults Can Afford the Affordable Care Act

Many young adults in America are currently living without heath insurance. The Marketplace is the answer for these young people who are no longer being carried under their parents' plan and do not have access to employment-based coverage. It is available to ensure that health needs are being met.

This workshop will discuss the Affordable Care Act: how the law works; who it is intended to help; and the potential impact it can have related to personal health care needs. The presenter will provide a brief overview of the history and current status of the nation's healthcare system and will help participants to understand how the Affordable Care Act impacts consumers. A review of the application process will be provided as well as some details related to Health Exchanges. Learn how you can find assistance in paying the monthly premium. Real-life barriers to healthcare access and possible solutions to these problems will also be discussed.

Presenter: Jennifer Gybosky, Healthcare Navigator, Mental Health America of Westmoreland County. 

For more information about the conference, or to register, visit our website

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