Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Actress Glenn Close: Changing Minds About Mental Illness

Emmy-award winning actress Glenn Close has launched a BringChange2Mind campaign to fight stigma and provide people with mental illness, their family and friends with access to information and support.
Earlier this year, Close helped lead Maine's NAMI Walk near her home. Her sister Jessie, who lives lives with mental illness, credits NAMI for helping their family.

"It will be a great day when I'm able to introduce the subject of my own bipolar disorder or my son's schizophrenia without seeing the flicker of fear behind the eyes of whoever I'm speaking to," Jesse declared in thanking NAMI.

In launching the campaign, Close and Jessie appeared on numerous television talk shows, including Good Morning America.

This week, Time Warner rolled out a public service announcement (PSA), featuring Glenn Close and the song "Say" by John Mayer, which can be viewed by clicking here.

For more information on mental illness, visit the NAMI Southwestern Pennsylvania website.