Tuesday, August 18, 2009

State Budget Rally Raises Awareness

Today the State Budget Rally attracted over 100 protesters and significant media coverage.

A peaceful but passionate crowd gathered in front of the State Office Building to demand a state budget that maintains services and programs essential to individuals with mental illness.

The hourlong rally was covered by all three major television news stations, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review and KQV Radio. Here is a story by the Trib: More Than 100 Rally Downtown To Protest State Budget Impasse.

Below Ashley Hardway from WTAE-TV prepares for a pre-rally interview with Sharon Miller, Director of Education & Community Relations at NAMI Southwestern Pennsylvania. View a video clip of Ashley's report here and an online article here
NAMI Southwestern Pennsylvania's Executive Director Chris Michaels talks to WPXI Channel 11 News.

Protesters gear up for the rally.

KDKA-TV interviews longtime board member and advocate Dick Jevon of NAMI Southwestern Pennsylvania. Here is a video clip (choose the "mental health advocate" clip in the video library) and an article on KDKA's website
The crowd of over 100 listens attentively and applauds a great roster of speakers.

NAMI Southwestern Pennsylvania and its community partners hope their voices will be heard far and wide to end the state budget impasse and restore much-needed services.