Thursday, November 21, 2013

A Note from our Executive Director

Seasons Greetings,

During this season of giving, please consider a donation to the Dick Jevon Education and Advocacy Fund to support the education and advocacy activities of NAMI Southwestern Pennsylvania.

Dick Jevon, a longtime and highly regarded mental health advocacy leader, retired in 2013. The Dick Jevon Education and Advocacy Fund was established in Dick's honor to create a legacy that continues the family advocacy movement that Dick and NAMI Southwestern Pennsylvania have led for so many years.
With continued funding cuts, historical healthcare reform and great uncertainty in the mental health system, the voice of family advocates must be heard. We must be at the table, speaking loudly and clearly!
"Now is the time for a new generation of family advocates to step up and continue meaningful participation in the process. We need others with deep conviction who are willing to participate on behalf of their loved ones to continue this great work begun by parents like Dick." (The Voice newsletter, April 2013)

Please help us continue the Dick Jevon legacy of championing system-wide improvements that promote acceptance and understanding, recovery and a better life for those affected by mental illness. Dick's final words of advice before retiring were, "Always have hope!" 
NAMI Southwestern Pennsylvania's education and advocacy activities give the gift of hope to consumers and families. Click here to make a holiday gift to the Dick Jevon Education and Advocacy Fund, which will help give the gift of hope to many in need.
NAMI Southwestern Pennsylvania is the leading advocacy organization in the region, and we need your help. Please, before the new year begins, help us raise $15,000 for the Dick Jevon Education and Advocacy Fund.

Thank you for remembering us in your holiday charitable giving. Best wishes and the happiest of New Year's to you!
Warmest regards,
Christine Michaels, MSHSA
Executive Director, NAMI Southwestern PA

NAMI Southwestern Pennsylvania is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, contributions to which are tax-deductible to the fullest extent permitted by the law. The official registration and financial information on NAMI Southwestern Pennsylvania may be obtained from the PA Department of State by calling toll-free within Pennsylvania: 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A Special Report from John Lovelace, President of UPMC for You


I am pleased to share with you an engaging, interactive report that chronicles the evolution of the Allegheny County Maternal Child Health Care Collaborative — a community-based collaboration designed to improve health care service delivery and outcomes for Medicaid-eligible parents and their young children in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.

UPMC Health Plan, UPMC for You, Community Care Behavioral Health Organization (Community Care), RAND Corporation, The Alliance for Infants and Toddlers, and more than 30 other organizations played pivotal roles in the planning and execution of the Collaborative's four phases of work.

The effects of parental depression and childhood developmental delay are closely intertwined, and these issues are more prevalent among low-income and minority families than the general population. This disparity is as real in Allegheny County as it is nationally. The Collaborative successfully addressed this concern, culminating in a groundbreaking effort to connect the childhood early intervention and social service systems with physical and behavioral health systems, and to identify and assist Medicaid-eligible families at dual risk for parental depression and childhood developmental delays.

This report, entitled Perspectives on the Allegheny County Maternal Child Health Care Collaborative, highlights the involvement of the key partners and the personal stories of those who were central to operation and success of the Collaborative. I encourage you to share this report with your staff members, colleagues, and friends, and post a link to the report on your organization's website and social media channels.

Please take a few minutes to learn about how the Collaborative is transforming the way care is delivered to the Medicaid population in Allegheny County and across Pennsylvania.

Warm regards,
John Lovelace
President, UPMC for You





Friday, November 1, 2013

30th Annual Pittsburgh Schizophrenia Conference

The 30th Annual Pittsburgh Schizophrenia Conference is scheduled to take place Friday, November 15 at the Sheraton Station Square and is the nation’s longest running scientific meeting devoted to exploring the latest research findings related to schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. 
Each year, internationally recognized experts provide comprehensive reviews of advances in their areas and emphasize the clinical relevance of the research.  This year’s meeting will cover a range of topics, including studies of children and adolescents who may turn out to have psychotic disorders in later life, problems with cognitive impairments and how these can impact day to day functioning in schizophrenia, and the role that viruses and infections may play in schizophrenia. 
A presentation by the faculty awardee of the 2013 Gerard Hogarty Research Excellence Prize focusing on the treatment of cognitive impairments in schizophrenia will also take place during the meeting. 
In addition, there will be a panel of persons with schizophrenia, their family members and others addressing the issues of symptom management, staying the course, hope, resilience and recovery.
Details and registration information can be found on the website or this registration form. If you have questions, contact Nancy Mundy at or (412) 802-9090.